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代富强,1980年生,四川都江堰人,博士,教授,硕士生导师。长期从事土地可持续利用、地理空间分析、资源与环境经济等方面的研究工作,具备良好的地理学、环境科学与经济学等多学科交叉综合研究能力。先后主持国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科研究项目、重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目以及重庆市教委科学研究项目,并参与多项国家级、省部级项目。在《Land use policy》、《Ecological indicators》、《Catena》、《Fresenius Environmental Bulletin》、《International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology》、《sustainability》、《人口与经济》、《中国水土保持科学》等国内外知名学术期刊发表论文40余篇,其中SCI、SSCI检索论文8篇,EI论文7篇,出版专著1部,参编专著2部。2016年获重庆工商大学教学成果奖二等奖。兼任重庆市地理学学会常务理事,重庆市地理学学会城市地理信息科学专业委员会副主任。


1999 ~ 2003 资源环境与城乡规划管理学士西华师范大学

2003 ~ 2006 人文地理学硕士山东师范大学

2008 ~ 2011 自然地理学博士中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所


2006 ~ 2008 西华师范大学国土资源学院讲师

2011 ~ 2013 重庆工商大学旅游与国土资源学院讲师

2013~至今 重庆工商大学旅游与国土资源学院 副教授


1. 三峡水库屏障区生态系统服务功能时空耦合机理及其调控模拟,重庆市基础研究与前沿探索项目,2018.07-2021.06,主持

2. 三峡水库屏障区生态系统服务功能非线性耦合机理与调控模拟研究,重庆市教委科技项目,2016.07-2018.06,主持

3. 重庆市大都市区城市综合承载能力评价、预警与提升策略研究,重庆市教委人文社科项目,2016.07-2018.06,主持

4. 雅鲁藏布江河谷区农户种植生计下耕地土壤肥力质量的时空变化特征,国家自然科学基金,2014.01-2016.12,主持

5. 三峡工程农村移民生计可持续评价研究,教育部人文社科项目,2012.01-2014.12,主持

6. 三峡库区坡耕地适宜水土保持措施空间优化配置研究,重庆市教委科技项目,2013.01-2014.12,主持

7. 基于InVEST模型的三峡水库生态屏障区生态系统服务功能空间评价,重庆工商大学博士启动项目,2014.01-2015.12,主持

8. 生态文明建设中重庆市节能减排评价指标体系构建与实证研究,重庆工商大学科研项目,2012.01-2013.12,主持

9. 三峡库区水土流失与非点源污染的互作用机制及其环境效应,重庆工商大学青年博士基金项目,2012.01-2013.12,主持


1.Dai Fuqiang, Lv Zhiqiang, Liu Gangcai. Assessing Soil Quality for Sustainable Cropland Management Based on Factor Analysis and Fuzzy Sets: A Case Study in the Lhasa River Valley, Tibetan Plateau. Sustainability, 2018, 10(10): 3477. (SCI、SSCI)

2. Zhao Jixia,Dai Fuqiang, He Shoujia, Zhang Qing, Liu, Gangcai. Spatiotemporal variation of soil organic carbon in the cultivated soil layer of dry land in the South-Western Yunnan Plateau, China. Journal of Mountain Science, 2017, 14(12): 2484-97. (SCI)

3.Dai Fuqiang, Zhou Qigang, Lv Zhiqiang, Wang Xuemei, Liu Gangcai. Spatial prediction of soil organic matter content integrating artificial neural network and ordinary kriging in Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 45: 184-194. (SCI)

4.Dai Fuqiang, Lv Zhiqiang, Zhou Qigang, Liu Gangcai. GIS-based soil loss estimation with usle for soil conservation planning in hilly areas of purplish soils. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2013, 22(4): 1266-1273. (SCI)

5.Dai Fuqiang, Su Zhengan, Liu Shuzhen, Liu Gangcai. Temporal variation of soil organic matter content and potential determinants in Tibet, China. Catena, 2011, 85(3): 288-294. (SCI)

6.Dai Fuqiang, Nan Ling, Liu Gangcai. Assessment of regional ecological security based on ecological footprint and influential factors analysis: a case study of Chongqing Municipality, China. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 2010, 17(5): 390-400. (SCI、SSCI)

7. Liu Gangcai,Dai Fuqiang, Nan Ling, Du Shuhan. Assessing the suitability of soil and water conservation practices in Southwestern China. Land Use Policy, 2013, 30(1): 319-327. (SSCI)

8. Lv Zhiqiang,Dai Fuqiang, Sun Cheng. Evaluation of urban sprawl and urban landscape pattern in a rapidly developing region. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2012, 184(10):6437-6448. (SCI)

9.Dai Fuqiang, Zhou Xu, Chen Ke, Jiang Liangqun. Prediction of arable land change with artificial neural network model for Chongqing municipality in China. International Conference on Advanced Computer Control, 2010: 11-15. (EI)

10.Dai Fuqiang. A nonparametric analysis of energy use efficiency in western China. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, 2010. (EI)

11.Dai Fuqiang. Mining dynamic transition rules of cellular automata in urban population simulation. International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation, 2010: 471-474. (EI)

12.Dai Fuqiang. Projection of energy consumption with artificial neural network at regional level: A case study of Chongqing Municipality in China. International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, 2010: 316-320. (EI)

13.Dai Fuqiang, Liu Gangcai. Exploring the determinants of soil and water conservation measures with data mining techniques. International Forum on Computer Science-Technology and Applications, 2009: 380-383. (EI)

14.Dai Fuqiang, Liu Gangcai. RD efficiency and productivity growth: A Malmquist index analysis of high-tech industries in China. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2009: 1866-1872. (EI)

15.Dai Fuqiang, Liu Gangcai. Measuring the efficiency of agricultural production using data envelopment analysis in Chongqing Municipality, China. International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 2009: 40-45. (EI)

16.Dai Fuqiang, Liu Gangcai. Evaluating Efficiency of Economic Performance with Data Envelopment Analysis for the Cities in Sichuan Province, China. International Conference on Systems Science, Management Science & System Dynamics, 2009: 183-187. (ISTP)

17. 陆传豪,刘刚才,代富强,李伟.甘孜州农牧区县域发展水平综合评价与特征分析.中国农业资源与区划, 2018, 39(11): 84-93.

18. 陆传豪,代富强*,刘刚才.基于GIS和RUSLE模型的万州区土壤保持服务功能空间分布特征.长江流域资源与环境, 2017, 26(08): 1228-36.

19. 陆传豪,代富强*,刘刚才. 2000-2012年三峡库区土壤侵蚀动态变化——以重庆市万州区为例.水土保持通报, 2017, 37(06): 1-8.

20. 陆传豪,代富强*,周启刚.紫色土区小流域土壤保持服务功能的空间分布特征.水土保持通报, 2016, 36(01): 308-14.

21. 陆传豪,代富强*,周启刚.山地城市环境承载力综合评价与变化特征研究.资源开发与市场, 2015, 31(02): 183-7.

22.代富强,周启刚,刘刚才.基于回归克里格和遥感的紫色土区土壤有机质含量空间预测.土壤通报, 2014, 45(03): 562-567.

23.代富强,吕志强,周启刚.生态承载力约束下的重庆市适度人口规模情景预测.人口与经济, 2012, (05): 80-86.

24.代富强,刘刚才.紫色土丘陵区典型水土保持措施的适宜性评价.中国水土保持科学, 2011, 9(04):23-30.

25.代富强. CA-AR模型在人口增长模拟中的应用.统计与决策, 2009, (02):161-163.

26.代富强,钟华.济南市城市适度用地规模的多目标决策.国土与自然资源研究, 2007, (02):25-26.

27.代富强.基于CA和AR方法的连续状态空间场动态演化模拟.测绘科学, 2007, 32(04):116-118.

28.代富强,李新运,郑新奇.城市适度人口规模的“可能-满意度”(P-S)分析——以济南市为例.山东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2006, 21(01):104-106.

29.代富强,李新运.济南市耕地变化与社会经济的相关分析.资源开发与市场, 2005, 21(04):320-322.


1.代富强,刘刚才,陆传豪.紫色土区典型水土保持措施的适宜性评价与优化配置.北京:科学出版社, 2019.

2. 吕志强,代富强.山地城市空间演化与城市生态环境.成都:西南财经大学出版社, 2017.

3. 文传浩,胡江霞,王兆林,代富强,余玉湖.长江上游生态文明研究.北京:科学出版社, 2016.



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